
Terms of Service Update

The Terms of Service is still a work in progress, but I’ll keep you updated as it changes.

Here is the main clarification:

The content created on this website is provided for your personal entertainment and non-commercial uses.

  • The content created on this website is provided for your personal entertainment and non-commercial uses.
    • You can use this content in your D&D or TTRPG campaigns.
    • You can use this content for your creative writing. (Note, though, that others may use it too, so it’s best to personalize the content with your own style.)
    • What we do not want is people to simply download 10,000 creations and publish as a collection on Amazon or the web.
    • If you have questions about this, feel free to reach out and CONTACT US.
    • Paul Bellow reserves the right to publish collections of content produced on LitRPG Adventures or to use it in an eventual LitRPG Adventures MMORPG.

Leave a comment below or email me if you have any questions or concerns!